10 Vintage Halloween Art Printables & Spooky Entryway

Free printables for vintage Halloween art etchings and spooky antique portraits + a modern classic entryway decorated for fall.

I couldn’t resist. I went Halloween crazy in the entryway.

It all started with a cute antique picture frame I found while antiquing with my mom last week, and it all sort of spiraled into a “spooky all the things” foyer project.

Complete with 10 vintage halloween printables because I had a ton of fun finding all kinds of cool, old portraits in the public domain. (Which by the way I have a full tutorial about how to find your own free art over in my Instagram Stories.)

It’s sort of become a tradition of mine. I don’t do Halloween really anywhere else in our house.

But the entryway is the spot in our house the trick-or-treaters always see right at our front door.

There may not be very many this year, but those who do come knocking for candy will get a little dose of fun (that isn’t TOO scary).

I threw together a few of my thrifted finds, like this coolest candelabra find ever!

And I ended up down the rabbit hole of interesting antique portraits and Halloween etchings.

Which one is your favorite?!



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If you want the printables for yourself, you can click here or the button below to subscribe to my email list and get access to the free downloads:

If you’re already an email subscriber, just access them from the printable library here (the password is at the end of every email I send).

Happy (early) Halloween, y’all!

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